Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chemical peel?
What is a facial? Why do I need one?

What is Dermaplaning?
What is Microdermabrasion?

Can the Skin Classic work for me?
Waxing Questions 
What is Reiki?


What is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel is an acid solution that is applied to the skin. It dissolves the outermost layer of skin cells, which then peels off over the following days to reveal the fresher, younger layer below. Peels are very effective in treating a large range of skin concerns such as aging, sun damage, acne, mild scarring, improving skin brightness, and evening skin tone.

Peels can be light, moderate or deep. Light peels require no down time from work and your normal activities. Moderate peels may require a day or two, and deep peels can require a week or more of down time to allow the skin to fully heal. 

Preparing for treatment
Most skin colors and types can benefit from chemical peels, though it is best to check with your esthetician about which peel might be right for you. If you’re taking acne medication, Retin-A or Accutane, talk to your esthetician and/or doctor about stopping the medication before and during treatment to avoid complications. Your esthetician can review any other contraindications with you prior to your treatment to determine if a chemical peel is right for you. Be sure to answer all questions honestly and completely on your consultation form prior to your peel.

What to expect during a chemical peel
The skin is cleansed and a prep solution will be applied to remove surface oils and allow the peel to penetrate the skin evenly. One or more chemical mixtures will be applied.  The peel will be applied in 1–3 layers, depending on the depth of penetration intended. The acids react with the skin to produce a “controlled wound,” allowing fresh skin to regenerate and emerge. A tingling, burning or hot sensation is normal. Most peels remain on the skin only a few minutes, and are closely watched by the esthetician. A fan may help you stay more comfortable. After some peels, a neutralizing solution is applied to stop the peel. Other peels are self-timed and stop on their own.

After the peel
After most peels, the skin will be pink to red, and look shiny and tight. It is vital to apply sunscreen of SFP 30 or greater to the skin for the next 48 hours, minimum. You must also stay out of the sun, as your skin will be very sensitive to UV rays and could be damaged by sun exposure. The skin may begin to flake or peel within 2–3 days after the treatment.  Sun-damaged areas of your skin may appear darker at first, then will lighten. This is normal. Deeper peels can produce peeling for a week or more. To assist in removing the flaking skin, an enzyme peel or dermasound treatment is sometimes scheduled a week or so after the initial peel. For maximum results, a series of peels is usually recommended, and may be necessary for treating challenging issues such as hyperpigmentation.

Home care after a chemical peel
Your esthetician will recommend healing products to use for the week or two following your peel. These will soothe and nourish your skin, and aid in its recovery. Usually it is best to avoid makeup during this time, to allow the skin to heal and function without interference. However, if you must wear makeup, mineral makeup will not adversely affect the skin.


What is a facial? Why do I need one?
A facial is a professional cleansing, purifying, and beautifying treatment of the skin on the face and neck. Facials are the number one treatment performed by estheticians, and a good way for your therapist to get a good understanding of your skin prior to suggesting more aggressive treatments.

For most people, facials can be scheduled every four weeks, although your therapist may recommend a different schedule. There are many variations of facials based on different needs, as well as different lengths of time.  Tell your esthetician exactly what you want to get out of your facial, and she will be able to recommend a facial to meet your needs.

What to expect
Facials are generally very relaxing and soothing. Your esthetician will explain to you what the treatment steps will be. Be sure to communicate with your esthetician during the facial if any product burns, itches, or if you need anything or have any questions. Otherwise, just lie back and enjoy the experience. A basic facial generally includes the following steps:

  • Makeup removal and cleansing of the skin.
  • Skin analysis.
  • Exfoliation by mechanical, enzymatic or chemical means.
  • Massage of the face and neck, to aid in relaxation and stimulate blood and oxygen flow to the skin.
  • Extraction of blackheads and other impurities, either manually (using gloved hands and cotton or tissue around the fingers with gentle pressure to remove the impacted pore) or using a metal extraction implement designed to clear blocked pores. This can also include the use of a lancet (a small, sharp blade to lift the dead cells of the skin prior to extraction).
  • Application of products targeted to your skin type (dry, oily, acneic, sensitive, or mature).

Advanced Firming Facial
Restore your skin back to its youthful state with an advanced facial that combats aging skin. Using AHA's, Dermasound, a chemical peel and elite products to repair your skin at a cellular level, this powerful treatment leaves your skin visibly smoother, plumped and lifted. See the before and after photos below.

What about home care?
Your esthetician will go over which professional home care products for you to continue the improvement in your skin following your professional treatment. This way, you will be using products that maximize benefits and prolong the effects of your treatment. Your therapist can explain how, when and how much of the products to use. Feel free to call the therapist later, if you have any questions.

What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a precise, elegant and highly effective superficial exfoliation and means of temporary hair removal.  Dermaplaning relies on the simplest of tools but requires artful skill to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis.  A sterile blade is gently stroked along the skin to produce results including supple, smooth skin and the temporary removal of the fine vellus hair of the face.

What to expect
Every precaution is taken to ensure that your skin is well hydrated and calm following each session.  However, you may experience excessive dryness or even some peeling between sessions.  More sensitive skin may experience some redness after the first couple of sessions.  This normally goes away after 2-3 hours or less.  Dermaplaning may cause minor superficial abrasions which may not appear until a day or two following your treatment. 

What are the benefits?
Dermaplaning can remove the buildup of rough, dead skin while removing vellus hair and can be performed every 3-4 weeks.  This treatment is a highly effective way to resurface the skin and promote the growth of new, healthy skin cells.  As with any type of exfoliation, the removal of dead skin cells allows home care products to be more effective, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and assists in reducing milia, closed and open comedones, and minor breakouts associated with congested pores.

Post-Treatment/Home Care
Aerobic exercise or vigorous physical activity should be avoided until all redness has subsided.  Direct sunlight exposure is to be completely avoided immediately following the treatment (including tanning beds). SPF should be applied daily to the treated area for at least 2 weeks and using a serum or treatment cream can aid in the soothing, hydrating process.

***(Clients on blood thinners, allergy to nickel, skin cancer, rosacea, sunburn, active acne, using Accutane, recently had a chemical peel procedure or those with uncontrolled diabetes would be contraindicated for this procedure)

What is Microdermabrasion?
This is a safe and non-invasive procedure which helps reduce the appearance of aging, shallow acne scarring, and buildup of dead skin that can leave your skin looking dull and feeling rough in texture.  Beyond that, microdermabrasion has an added benefit: by removing the uppermost dead, dull skin cell layer, all of your essential skin care products can penetrate easier and quicker.  This enables you to get the absolute most out of your products with incredible results. 

Microdermabrasion leaves your skin looking and feeling refreshed and radiant, after just one treatment, by exfoliating the skin and stimulating circulation.  The most dramatic results are achieved with a series of treatments, which in time help stimulate cell division, and collagen production. 

Before Microdermabrasion

  • Do NOT use Retin-A or other exfoliating creams 24 to 72 hours (1 to 3 days) prior to your treatment.
  • Avoid sun tanning or tanning creams/sprays for at least a week before treatment
  • You must NOT have recently had laser surgery or used Accutane
  • Candidates who have had a recent chemical peel other skin procedure, such as collagen injections, should wait 2-3 weeks before undergoing microdermabrasion.
  • Prospective patients should also refrain from waxing or tanning the skin to be treated for 1-3 weeks prior to microdermabrasion treatment.
  • Wash your face and neck with a non-oily, non-soap based cleanser before each scheduled treatment.

What to expect during a treatment
The Microdermabrasion Treatment is performed by a licensed esthetician who has been thoroughly trained and certified to use the equipment.  It is non-invasive and painless. And the sensation has been described as feeling like a cat licking the face!  Some describe it as a refreshing and tingling feeling.  During the treatment, a diamond chip hand piece traces over the skin and simultaneously, a vacuum stimulates circulation and collagen production while whisking away exfoliated skin.  This is followed by the application of products formulated to enhance skin rejuvenation and a moisturizing sunscreen. 

Outcomes vary depending upon skin type and condition, age and home care follow up. While results can be seen after just one treatment, the best results can be achieved with a series of 4-12 treatments spaced 7-10 days apart with follow up maintenance every 1-2 months.  Consult with your esthetician to determine the treatment plan and homecare products that will benefit you the most. 

After Microdermabrasion
To maximize microdermabrasion recovery time and results, it is important to follow all post-procedure instructions below:

  • Keep the new skin clean and moisturized.
  • Anti-inflammatory creams or cold compresses may be used as necessary.
  • Use a gentle cleanser.
  • Trauma such as scratching or picking the treated area should be avoided.
  • It is important to avoid irritating the treated skin with harsh chemicals, rubbing or tanning for one week.
  • Although some peeling may occur in the treated areas, moisturizer should help minimize this effect.
  • Avoid staying in the sun for at least 7 days after the microdermabrasion treatment to prevent UV rays from damaging your skin which slows down the recovery.
  • Patients who absolutely cannot avoid sun exposure should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
  • Do not use glycolic, alpha hydroxy, beta hydroxy, retinol, benzyl peroxide or topical acne medications for 24-48 hours following treatment.
  • You may resume prescription retinoid products (Retin A, Renova, Tretinoin, Avita, Alustra or other brands f Tretinoin and other prescription retinoid products (Adapalene, Avage, Differin, Tazorac, Tazarotene) 3 - 7 days after last microdermabrasion treatment or as instructed by your technician.

If you are receiving a series of treatments, do not resume any of these products until after you have completed your last medical microdermabrasion treatment.


Can the Skin Classic work for me? 
The Skin Classic can treat multiple skin irregularities including broken capillaries, skin tags, or brown hyperpigmentated areas.  These blemishes can be treated with little discomfort and with minimal healing time. This technique works on the epidermis only and works by dehydrating the top layer of the blemish. This allows healthy skin to grow and replace the blemish.

Skin Classic can treat the following conditions:

  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia
  • Milia
  • Cherry Angioma
  • Skin Tag
  • Clogged Pore
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Fibroma
  • Keratosis

Following a Skin Classic Treatment:

  • You may experience some irritation and redness.
  • Crusting/Scabbing may form on areas treated and can last 3-14 days.
  • Make sure you DO NOT pick, rub or scrub at the crusting. Prematurely removing the crust may cause hyperpigmentation or scarring.
  • Keep your skin clean using a gentle moisturizer.
  • Use SPF during the day.
  • Makeup may be worn over moisturizing sunscreen.
  • Avoid direct sunlight immediately following treatment.
  • DO NOT use scrubs or exfoliants for 30 days.
  • Pat dry instead of rubbing to prevent removal of crust.
  • After crust sloughs, the skin may be pink. Be sure to wear SPF 30 or higher. 

Waxing Questions
Waxing is the most common method of hair removal in spas today. Hair on any part of the body or face can be waxed. Warm wax is applied to the area and then removed, bringing the hair with it. There are two types of wax: hard and soft. Hard wax, which is easier on delicate skin, is often used on the face, underarms, and bikini area. Soft wax is used on the legs, arms, back, and chest.

Waxing reduces hair growth when performed at regular 30-day intervals. Because waxing pulls the hair out by the root, it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. The more you wax, the less hair grows back.

Waxing can cause tenderness and swelling. In addition, some medications will cause the skin to react badly to waxing. Don’t wax if you’re taking Retin-A, Accutane, or any type of acne prescription.

Preparing for treatment
Let the hair grow out to about a half-inch above the skin. If hairs are too short, the wax won’t adhere strongly enough to pull them out. Refrain from taking a shower or bath before the treatment. Soaking the hair will soften it, allowing it to break more easily and making waxing less effective. Do not apply lotion to the skin before your waxing session.

Home care after waxing
It’s important to care for the waxed area properly after treatment to prevent ingrown hairs, breakouts, or other reactions. Exfoliation, using a pumice stone or exfoliating gloves with a bath gel, will help keep the skin clear. Avoid using a bar soap because it leaves a film on the body that could cause ingrown hairs. Directly after waxing, avoid direct sunlight and tanning booths, especially while the skin is still red from treatment. For 24 hours after waxing, avoid exercise, hot tubs, and products with harsh chemicals, perfumes, or dyes. Apply a gentle moisturizer 24 hours after treatment.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy (the energy that is all around us). 

Reiki is a natural healing that uses energy channeled or transferred through a practitioners hands to restore health, balance and a sense of well-being. It is a subtle non-physical energy that exists much like electromagnetic energy. The practitioner places their hands very lightly on or just above the receiver and the energy goes where it is needed.

A full Reiki session covers all of the chakras and all of the body's organs. This treatment can help release energy blocks, stress, fear, depression and related emotions which allows healing awareness, creativity and balanced energy. Although Reiki affects every person differently each time they experience a treatment, it is always helpful to experience a Reiki treatment. 


  • Member, Associated Skin Care Professionals
  • 715-412-1961
  • 2419 Post Road,
  • Plover,
  • WI
  • 54467